Have you recently seen a lot of rats around the area that you are living?
I seen lots and the size of them are so scary that some are bigger than a kitten size.
This is definately not a scene that I wanted to see. Being scare by rats, sob suddenly wanted to run asap back home.
V* even said that I am really like doreamon. HaHa. That's very funny.
But think if this goes on, I'll be scared to death.
Rats cute? Give me a break!!!
p/s: I have even seen a dead rat on my way.
Sunday, June 29
A part of my life
Posted by
Complicated World!!!
When You Told Me You Loved Me
Jessica Simpson When You Told Me You Loved Me [点击试听]
doesn't mean anything to me
show me the meaning of complete
did our love go wrong
once we were so strong
how can i go on?
when you told me you loved me
did you know it would take me the rest of my life
to get over the feeling of knowing a dream didn't turn out right
when you let me believe that you weren't complete
without me by your side
how could i know
that you would go
that you would run
baby, i thought you were the one
can't i just leave it all behind
felt passion so bright that i was blind
something made me weak
talking in my sleep
baby, i'm in so deep and you know i believed
when you told me you loved me
did you know it would take me the rest of my life
to get over the feeling of knowing a dream didn't turn out right
when you let me believe that you weren't complete without me by your side
how could i know
that you would go
that you would run
baby, i thought you were the one
your lips
your face
something that time just can't erase
find my heart
could breakall over again
when you told me you loved me
did you know it would take me the rest of my life
to get over the feeling of knowing a dream didn't turn out right
when you let me believe that you weren't complete without me by your side
how could i know
that you would go
that you would run
baby, i thought you were the one
Posted by
Complicated World!!!
Saturday, June 28
Belated celebration for my friend.
Today we went to Paragon for dinner, stayed in the restaurant for quite a long time finished eating and yet stayed there and talked. Stayed till think I had a lot of cups of tea, and noticed there was a queue outside then decided to go and walk walk. Went toy-r-us but end up nothing to buy then went to have a coffee-break @ coffee bean.
Saw Peishan, Caihua really tired over Xuan Yun. Having a young in a family is really not easy, not to mention 2 somemore. But they are cute and adorable.
HaHa. Don't know when will I get a chance to see Qian Ying. Hope very soon.
Posted by
Complicated World!!!
Labels: BD Celebration
Past, Present, Future
When we look on the past, the future often reveals the illusions of the past and when such illusions are revealed all of us in the present tend to look on the people of the past as being primitive--not realizing that many of us would have been as duped as they were if we had been there.
A thousand years ago, many of us would have blindly accepted the decree of the Pope that the world was flat.
This is an important point to remember when seeking the truth in the present.
Consciousnesss cannot live in the present for the present cannot exist without the future and the past.
What would happen if there were no past or future?
There would also be no present for the present is the interaction of the two.
If then there is no past, present or future what would there be?
There would be no form, no energy, no consciousness, nothing to act or to be acted upon, no sadness, no joy, no duality.
Will that be a life that we wanted?
We cannot change the literal past, but we can change the effects of the past so a certain negative event in the past is changed so it is no longer negative to us. No matter what you do, never let the past affect you in a negative way.
Even if you have a good memory, a very positive or negative feeling associated with a past perception can fog the vision of the present.
So what's important!
Perception does not create the future. Decision does.
So eventually, what's your decision?
Posted by
Complicated World!!!
Labels: Inspiring
Thursday, June 26
No Moody Mood Mood
Just have the feeling of typing down a blog with no specific reason.
Haha, ever told someone before that writing a blog needs mood. When you have no mood at all, no matter how much brain juice you squeezed, nothing will be written down. Mood is a really amazing thing, allow one to do things fast or slow.
So what's mood?
1.A state of mind or emotion.
2.A pervading impression of an observer: the somber mood of the painting.
3.An incidence of sulking or angry behavior.
4.Inclination; disposition.
中文(简体) (Chinese (Simplified))
1. 心情, 情绪, 心境, 喜怒无常, 心情不好, 生气, 基调, 色调
in no mood 不想, 没有心情做...
in the mood 有...的兴致, 有意做...
2. 语气
中文(繁體) (Chinese (Traditional))
1. n. - 心情, 情緒, 心境, 喜怒無常, 心情不好, 生氣, 基調, 色調
in no mood 不想, 沒有心情做...
in the mood 有...的興致, 有意做...
2. n. - 語氣
just a difference in a word, the meaning between 'in no mood' and 'in the mood' is totally different.
Posted by
Complicated World!!!
Monday, June 23
A Whole New Term Once Again
Time flies faster than one can imagine. Seems like a blink of eyes' time that school holiday is over. Maybe this means I have fully utilised my time for this half-year and that is definately a good thing to do because whenever there's not much of anything to do, I will be bored to death and time seems "stopped". Too slow that every second to me is like minutes so I will just sleep to kill time.
Killing time is a hobby of mine. That's a good hobby.
Too much time, makes me bored.
Too little time, makes me load.
So is there a way to make me both.
Think better not.
Load is better than Bored.
I have better to stop blogging and time for bed.
Posted by
Complicated World!!!