Friday, June 15

Recap of JUMP (2nd June 07)

What's JUMP?

It's MAY DAY JUMP concert.

Who's May Day?

From left: Masa, Shi tou, Guai Shou, Ai Shin, Guan You

It was so high that i hardly sat on the seat think i actually pay for the area of where i am standing.(HaHa)

Imagine a nearly three and half hours concert singing around 33 songs and there's even one song not in any other album cause is a total new song not released yet.(Oh, should be privilege to Singapore).

Though i reach there late but that doesn't burn away my awaiting to the concert.
Feeling so excited that day. The first thing i reached already so high seeing the whole hall with so many people standing to watch. There's even one big family. (How I know is one family? Should be easy when you can get to see two little girls seems like around three to four years old, changing seat from one end of a row to another end of the row. So rich!)

This is the scene that you will see if youre there.

Still so excited. Wonder when it will come again.. I'll sure to buy again.