Wednesday, December 24

梁文音【最幸福的事】完整版 MV

A very touching MV especially with her own personal background.
A newborn singer that allow me to appreciate her unique voice.



Wow .. I never know that I have such privilege.

Monday, October 27

Replenishing sleep..

Have you ever need to replenish sleep?
I need to.
Been not able to sleep properly for the past few weeks.(Should be months)
Don't know why.

Finally can relax myself but should be more things to worry.
Let's hope everything goes fine.

Already slept for more than 12 houra, seems like it's still not enough.
Going to sleep more on Wednesday.

Tuesday, October 21

Planning out my Time

Finally, I have gotten most of things done including my check-up.
It's finally coming to the end of the term.
Counting down for the new term to start.
Which means I will have hard time surviving the holidays.
Ha Ha !!!! Lao Lu Ming no choice.
I will 100% get sick if I don't work.
Good luck for all for EOY.
Pass with flying colours.

Sunday, October 19


Your result for The Quick & Painless ENNEAGRAM Test...

5 - the Observer

Thanks for taking the test !

you chose BZ - your Enneagram type is FIVE (aka "The Thinker").

"I need to understand the world"

Observers have a need for knowledge and are introverted, curious, analytical,
and insightful.

How to Get Along with Me

  • Be independent, not clingy.

  • Speak in a straightforward and brief manner.

  • I need time alone to process my feelings and thoughts.

  • Remember that If I seem aloof, distant, or arrogant, it may be that
    I am feeling uncomfortable.

  • Make me feel welcome, but not too intensely, or I might doubt your

  • If I become irritated when I have to repeat things, it may be because
    it was such an effort to get my thoughts out in the first place.

  • don't come on like a bulldozer.

  • Help me to avoid my pet peeves: big parties, other people's loud music,
    overdone emotions, and intrusions on my privacy.

What I Like About Being a FIVE

  • standing back and viewing life objectively

  • coming to a thorough understanding; perceiving causes and effects

  • my sense of integrity: doing what I think is right and not being influenced by social pressure

  • not being caught up in material possessions and status

  • being calm in a crisis

What's Hard About Being a FIVE

  • being slow to put my knowledge and insights out in the world

  • feeling bad when I act defensive or like a know-it-all

  • being pressured to be with people when I don't want to be

  • watching others with better social skills, but less intelligence or
    technical skill, do better professionally

FIVEs as Children Often

  • spend a lot of time alone reading, making collections, and so on

  • have a few special friends rather than many

  • are very bright and curious and do well in school

  • have independent minds and often question their parents and teachers

  • watch events from a detached point of view, gathering information

  • assume a poker face in order not to look afraid

  • are sensitive; avoid interpersonal conflict

  • feel intruded upon and controlled and/or ignored and neglected

FIVEs as Parents

  • are often kind, perceptive, and devoted

  • are sometimes authoritarian and demanding

  • may expect more intellectual achievement than is developmentally appropriate

  • may be intolerant of their children expressing strong emotions

Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele

The Enneagram Made Easy

Discover the 9 Types of People

SanFrancisco, 1994, 161 pages

You liked the test?

so S P R E A D I T ! tell everyone!!!
(use Quick-Paste below)

you wanna know MORE?

so check out, what Wikipedia says about your type...

...even more you'll find in Google

or do you prefer to

You are not completely happy with the result?!

You chose BZ

Would you rather have chosen:

  • AZ (THREE)
  • CZ (ONE)
  • BX (NINE)
  • BY (FOUR)
  • Take The Quick & Painless ENNEAGRAM Test at HelloQuizzy

    Friday, October 17


    Ha Ha.
    Today, I really enjoy WRM so funny.
    What's the meaning of TGIF?
    -Tau Gae (Bean sprout) Is Fresh
    -Tau Gua Is Fabulous
    -Tau Gee Is Fanatics
    and the most funny one is
    -Thanks God Its Friday.

    Thursday, October 16


    Been having a few "busy" night, dreaming a lot of nonsense.
    I really don't really like to dream, it's scary for me.
    I would rather choose not to dream if possible.
    Dreaming, it's a process that will really take up too much of remaining strength left in me. Brain never get to rest.
    This is so angry.

    What's so scary about my dreams?
    Most of them will come true and that's really can the soul out from me.

    Imagine, having dreams of serious injuries and even death.
    How can I not be scared?

    What to do?
    That's my life.
    Have to learn to accept it.

    Tuesday, October 14

    A bad weekend

    What a Sunday spent.
    Spent on sleeping almost more than 12 hours after class.
    Reasons behind.
    1) Vomitted whenever i starts to eat/drink anything.
    2) Having serious dia**** non stop
    3) No energy after no consumption of any food.

    So tired.
    Must be having problems with my stomach again.
    luckily still can tolerate through the class.

    (Must Not Get Sick!!!!!!! Argh!!!!!!!)

    Monday really very very blue for me!!!!!!!!!!!
    Today no better..............

    What's happening??????????

    Thursday, October 2


    Oh my!!!!
    FM S.H.E live is funny.
    The conversation that was said through the internet radio channel was so funny that I can destress.
    Though some jokes are lame but the way they relate them were so funny.
    Hope this channel can go on but don't think so.
    It can't be FM S.H.E album forever.
    Want to hear their new albums every year...

    Wednesday, October 1

    27th Birthday!!!

    It's been 27 years ever I start breathing which is exactly the same number as my birth date.
    This year, I have gotten presents that are so cute.
    Ha Ha!!!
    "Nu Tou Ma Mian" (I given them this name) is one of them from my cute "family of undead".) That's what one of them called themselves)
    Not curse but they're just too cute to just call them as cow and horse.(Hee Hee)
    A watch (pink that was endorsed by S.H.E) that I have thought for almost a year to buy. (Ha Ha, they are so clever..)
    And a few more, that's secret.. Hee Hee...
    and the most important present is I am older now.
    Can I just count my age according to lunar month but still celebrate every year?
    Think not.

    Wednesday, September 24

    Stamps!! Oh My!!

    I have done my pre-ordering.
    This is so happy but can only be collected during November.
    I have to train my patience.

    More Songs....

    专辑:《我的电台 FM S.H.E》
    作曲:Dobson Fefe / Steinberg Billy / Alexander Josh

    我就是想要 才不想再要

    捱到我难熬 我会开窍

    再享受我的烦恼 忘了烦恼

    我不怕跌倒 我亲自接招

    再享受我的烦恼 忘了烦恼

    不怕酸甜苦辣 我什么都要

    再享受我的烦恼 忘了烦恼

    能享受我的烦恼 一了百了

    专辑:《我的电台 FM S.H.E》
    作曲:Rosan Robert / Villalon Jade

    天亮了 天亮了
    还活着 没想到我还活着

    穿越 一场海啸 什么滋味
    我终于亲身体会 天崩地裂 筋疲力竭
    然而万岁万岁 终于和你有个了结

    你一边 我一边
    太多爱 太多泪 别再这样浪费

    天亮了 天亮了
    当然要 全力以赴去快乐

    天亮了 天亮了
    看太阳 不是又升起来了

    结束 一段感情 当然不像
    搬个家那么方便 太多细节 太多碎片
    但是忍耐一点 不去碰它就不危险

    你没变 我没变
    好可惜 我和你 许了不同的愿

    天亮了 天亮了
    当然要 全力以赴去快乐

    天亮了 天亮了
    看太阳 不是又升起来了

    我的心是我的 不会再给你了
    我是我自己的 我很快乐

    天亮了 天亮了
    当然要 全力以赴去快乐

    天亮了 天亮了
    看太阳 不是又升起来了

    比你贱 (featuring. 周定纬)
    专辑:《我的电台 FM S.H.E》
    作词:郑楠 / 施人诚




    谁比你贱 恋爱只求新鲜
    谁比你贱 对谁都要欺骗
    我庆幸 我高兴

    我比你贱 分了手还想念
    我比你贱 但你比我可怜

    Billy Jean她不是我的妹
    那天见面 只是去吃面
    你有倚天剑 我不敢跟你耍贱

    何必犯贱痛苦~ 自找

    谁比你贱 恋爱只求新鲜
    谁比你贱 对谁都要欺骗
    我庆幸 我高兴

    我比你贱 分了手还想念
    我比你贱 但你比我可怜

    女孩当自强 (Top Girl 年度广告曲)
    专辑:《我的电台 FM S.H.E》

    拜托 眼泪又不是钻石珍珠
    一直在哭 难道你能一夜之间暴富
    是谁 告诉你有王子这动物
    还不如你 自己骑上白马比较靠谱

    失恋 失去所有美丽的错误
    快开香槟 为你能够死里逃生庆祝
    没错 他就是不合身的衣服
    赶快脱掉 换身行头再去爱里跳舞


    会让我们更漂亮(Top girl 都要做自己的救世主)

    看吧 天还是会亮会再日出
    粉身碎骨 剧痛之后就能脱胎换骨
    浪费 时间饲养青蛙当宠物
    省下力气 足够拯救全宇宙的动物

    失恋 失去一个懦弱的叛徒
    快放烟火 为下一次遇见英雄欢呼
    没错 你该穿上更美的礼服
    带上微笑 从从容容再去爱里跳舞


    会让我们更漂亮(Top girl 都要做自己的救世主)

    我们自己是太阳(Top girl 就要做自己的救世主)

    TOP what the top girl
    Everybody say TOP what the top girl

    我们自己是太阳(Top girl 就要做自己的救世主)

    专辑:《我的电台 FM S.H.E》
    作曲:郑楠 / Venk




    我是火星人 快点放我回去
    承诺说成了笑话 感情当作了玩具

    原谅所有的欺骗 拆下所有的面具
    我非坚持 捧着一颗真心 去旅行




    我是火星人 快点放我回去
    承诺说成了笑话 感情当作了玩具

    我是火星人 快点赶我回去
    原谅所有的欺骗 拆下所有的面具
    我非坚持 捧着一颗真心 去旅行

    612 星球
    专辑:《我的电台 FM S.H.E》

    玫瑰都红 难免看错

    找不到真爱 会一直寂寞 Oh--


    花别谢太快 请你等等我

    我会幸福吗 在什么时候 Oh—


    花别谢太快 请你等等我


    花别谢太快 请你等等我

    专辑:《我的电台 FM S.H.E》

    客栈打烊后 陪我坐一坐

    我还没有说 你先泪流成河

    一杯又一杯 你再喝 她也不回了
    一个就一个 又不是 什么十恶不赦
    爱有时 就像飞来横祸

    店小二 店小二 别再哼伤心的歌
    人来人去像过客 再空等不值得

    店小二 别再喝 借酒消愁又如何
    三杯下肚就忘了 等清醒之后又 记得

    想他就心痛 不想更折磨

    等开花结果 等到立地成佛
    (思念像 患了伤风不断咳)

    店小二 店小二 别再哼伤心的歌
    人来人去像过客 再空等不值得

    店小二 别再喝 借酒消愁又如何
    三杯下肚就忘了 等清醒之后

    店小二 店小二 别再哼伤心的歌
    人来人去像过客 再空等不值得

    店小二 别再喝 借酒消愁又如何
    三杯下肚就忘了 清醒后又记得 何必呢

    专辑:《我的电台 FM S.H.E》

    青春是 窗边那份 月光手札
    遇见你 之前纸页 无暇
    曾经的夜里 你会点灯 开始写它
    用世上 最轻最温柔的笔画

    你不爱了吧 所以渐渐的将笔搁下
    在月光下 静静翻阅那些话

    只换到你的潇洒 (怎么做才叫放下)
    我的愿望 奢侈吗

    别过头不再去擦 (一地的无尽挣扎)
    我是一把 无奈的雪花

    深情像 不需灌溉 那盆假花
    所以你 远远忽略了也 不怕

    没有爱了吧 所以你渐渐不再看它
    在月光下 没有人可以说话

    只换到你的潇洒 (怎么做才叫放下)
    我的愿望 奢侈吗

    别过头不再去擦 (一地的无尽挣扎)
    我是一把 无奈的雪花

    只换到你的潇洒 (怎么做才叫放下)
    我的愿望 奢侈吗

    别过头不再去擦 (一地的无尽挣扎)
    我是那份 悲伤的手札

    酸甜 (蒙牛酸酸乳广告曲) (Bonus Track) - S.H.E/飞轮海
    专辑:《我的电台 FM S.H.E》

    酸酸 甜甜 都由我做主

    看到你的微笑 像可口的樱桃
    笑着对我说你好 甜蜜到炸掉
    快乐摆在餐桌 我好想吃到饱
    喝一口浪漫 我就开始醉倒

    加一点想念 加一点冒险
    幸福的滋味 我调味

    酸酸 甜甜 由我做主

    酸酸 甜甜 都由我做主

    猜忌怀疑暧昧 我都乐于体会
    爱情是一种直觉 没什么绝对
    我们天生一对 真心就是绝配
    酸甜的回忆 每天都要回味

    加一点想念 加一点冒险
    幸福的滋味 我调味

    酸酸 甜甜 由我做主

    酸酸 甜甜 都由我做主

    酸酸甜甜的好滋味 由我来做主

    酸酸甜甜 啦啦啦啦
    酸酸 甜甜 由我做主

    酸酸 甜甜 都由我做主

    Tuesday, September 23

    On medication

    Oh my, running nose can really kill me.
    Must eat medicine.
    Must recover fast.
    Must be well.
    Cannot fall.
    Cannot fall.
    Definitely cannot fall.

    It's Released!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh my, finally the album is out.
    Love the songs so much.
    What a way to celebrate together with my upcoming birthday.
    Way to go, their singing have up level again compared to PLAY.
    That's a good news.
    There will be special stamps released too must go pre-order.
    I'm going in craze again.

    Monday, September 22

    Speed Test

    35 words


    146 points, so you achieved position 326708 of 512736 on the ranking list

    You type 186 characters per minute
    You have 35 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words

    Sunday, September 21

    F1 is on the way

    Oh F1 is just around the corner.
    F1 is really history to me, remembering my days in school, chasing news with my friends especially Ferrari Team.
    Chasing over Michael Schumacher, he is just too handsome winning the races with his skills.
    He is the one who boast up the Ferrari's standings in 1997.
    But too bad, he won't be driving anymore.


    Name: Michael Schumacher

    Nickname: Schumi or Schuey
    Date of Birth:
    3rd January 1969
    Nationality: German
    Place of Birth: Hürth-Hermülheim, Germany
    Height: 1.74m
    Weight: 68kg
    Vufflens-le-Château, Switzerland
    Status: Married to Corinna Betsch since Tuesday 1st August 1995
    Children: Gina-Maria, daughter (DOB 19/01/97) and son Mick (DOB 22/03/99).
    Family: Rolf, Father, Elizabeth, Mother and Ralf, Brother (DOB 30/6/75).

    German ace Michael Schumacher is widely recognised as being the world's best ever racing driver. In 1995 Michael became the (at that time) youngest double Formula 1 World Champion (1994 and 1995 seasons) ever. He is also the 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 World Champion. This phenomenal record speaks for itself. In 2003 he beat Juan Manuel Fangio's five championships from the 1950s, by taking his sixth! He has now retired from F1, at the end of the 2006 season.

    The 2004 championship was secured by Michael before its conclusion, making it title number 7. He did it by finishing 2nd at Spa in Belgium, in Ferrari's 700th race, to accumulate enough points to seal the deal.

    Michael also holds the F1 records for: most career wins (91), most wins in a season, most career pole positions, most points during a season (148 in 2004), most consecutive world championships (5), most consecutive race wins (2004), most pdium gfinsihes (154), most laps leading, most fastest laps (76), plus several others!

    Michael is the highest paid racing driver in the world and second highest earning sportsman in the world, earning a reputed $80 million US in 2004 ($40m of which was his salary from Ferrari). His younger brother Ralf became the third highest paid driver in Formula 1 in 1999, when his pay after the 2000 season was raised to $15.5 million US.

    In 2003 Michael retained his title as World Champion for the fourth year in a row!

    Once again car number one belonged to THE number one. At Suzuka on 12 October 2003, Michael clinched his sixth world championship title. It took a long time to achieve the fourth in 2000, but since then he has taken four in a row. Michael has now surpassed Senna's (3), Prost's (4) and Fangio's (5) number of titles.

    He finished eighth at Suzuka to put himself 2 points clear of Fin, Raikkonen, who finished second. To take the title Raikkonen would have had to finish second with Michael ninth or lower.

    The Beginning

    Michael Schumacher started out his racing career in the same way as all the great drivers, in karting. At four years old his father built him a kart and soon after enrolled him in the local kart club Kerpen Horrom. Michael's problem was that in Germany the regulations stated the minimum permissible age to obtain a kart license was 14. To get around this he obtained a Luxembourg license (obtainable from the age of 12). However in 1983 he obtained his German license and the year after he won the German Junior Kart Championship. From 1985 Schumacher drove for Eurokart dealer Adolf Neubert and once again took the title.

    In 1989 Michael signed with Willi Weber, whose team WTS he would drive for during 1989 and 1990 in the Formula 3 Championship. Weber paid the costs for both seasons (approximately 1 million DM). In the 1989 season Karl Wendlinger was champion, with Michael finishing 3rd behind Heinz-Harald Frentzen.

    During 1990 and 1991 Schumacher moved into sports car racing, instead of the more usual step up to Formula 3000. Many managers believed this would block his progression to Formula 1, but Weber believed that exposure to professional press conferences and dealing with the cars of 700bhp would be beneficial.

    Formula 1

    The Belgian Grand Prix of 1991 at Spa was Michael's debut in the world's top racing series. His lucky break came as a result of Bertrand Gachot being imprisoned for spraying CS gas into a London taxi driver's face. Qualifying 7th, he unfortunately retired on the first lap from this race with clutch failure of his Jordan-Ford. Although Eddie Jordan wished to sign Michael to the team, Schumacher was advised by Weber to act cautiously, as Jordan was to use factory Yamaha power the following year. They suspected this engine might prove to be second class and they were proved correct.

    Subsequent to this Michael moved to the Benetton team, replacing Roberto Moreno. He competed in five more grand prix that season with Nelson Piquet as team mate. In 1992 Schumacher was partnered with Martin Brundle and his first victory was 1 year after his debut at Spa. During 1993 Ricardo Patrese partnered Michael, that being Patrese's last year in F1. Michael's second win came at the 1993 Portuguese GP.

    In the 1994 season with an under powered Ford Zetec V8 he took his first Driver's Championship, after the death of Ayrton Senna at Imola. It came after a season of several run-ins with the FIA and he was disqualified from the British and Belgian Grands Prix. Michael was also put under a two race ban during the Italian and Portuguese GP that year. The race bans were a result of not adhering to a black flag (driver disqualified) at Silverstone that year. Instead of coming in, he continued on to win the race - the team had hoped that a later appeal would overturn the disqualification and hence keep the victory he obtained. The disqualification was a result of Michael overtaking Damon Hill on the parade lap, a seemingly psychological manoeuvre. In a controversial last round at the Australian GP Michael entered leading Damon Hill by one point. On the 36th lap Schumacher made an unbecoming mistake and banged the wall, damaging his rear suspension. He made it back on the track and as Damon Hill came to pass him on the next corner, Michael turned in on the Williams car. Hill's front suspension was badly damaged and both cars were out of the race. Hence Michael gained the crown.

    The 1995 season was just as successful. Schumacher now had Renault power, to match the Williams and he dominated the season. It was marred however by several collisions between himself and Hill. In a particularly stupid overtaking manoeuvre Hill took them both out of the British GP near the start of the race. Having taken 9 GP wins, Michael finished the season to take his second Championship.

    The 1996 season saw Michael move to Ferrari with a reported salary of $30 million He stated the need for a new challenge as his reasoning, it being to return Ferrari to the pinnacle of motorsport. Eddie Irvine moved from Jordan to become his team mate in the same year. The Ferrari F310 car had poor handling and it was a testament to Michael's ability that he managed to gain three wins. One of his wins, at the Spanish GP of that year was a wet race and is regarded as one of the best drives ever. His method of attaining time from the car resulted in somewhat flamboyant and uncharacteristic driving, with oversteering et al. With a lack of competitors Hill finally managed to take the world championship.

    With Damon Hill being dumped from Williams in 1997, Michael's main rival became former CART champion Jacques Villeneuve. The Ferrari was more reliable and a somewhat less than spectacular early season for Villeneuve allowed Michael to provide a challenge. He took 5 GP wins and at the last race of the season Michael was ahead in the championship by just one point. Mid way through leading the race in Jerez, Schumacher's lap times began to drop off and concern was raised about the condition of his car. As Villeneuve came to pass on a corner, Michael turned in on him. His wheel banged the Canadian's sidepod but the Williams seemed undamaged. Michael wound up in a gravel trap and was out of the race, with Villeneuve finishing third to take the title. In a decision by the FIA Schumacher was disqualified from the whole of the season as punishment for his manoeuvre in that race.

    In 1998 the McLaren's dominating the season convincingly and Michael was the only driver to come near them to provide a challenge. With the Ferrari improving significantly throughput the season and being particularly faster in the second half, Michael gained 6 wins and 5 other podiums. With the later outlawed mini sidepod wings the Ferrari's took an historic 1-2 at the Italian GP at Imola that year.

    Michael's accident at the British GP in 1999 killed his chances of taking the title. Prior to that it looked very probable that he would take it. Looking back on the season and the relative performances of McLaren and Ferrari it seems likely he would have done so. The fact that Irvine was so close to Hakkinen in the championship at the end, surely indicates that Schumacher would have had it wrapped up long before, had he been able to compete. However he returned to drive the second two races of the season and astounded the paddock with his speed, leaving the pack behind. Excuses from drivers such as Coulthard and Irvine included that he'd had a nice rest at home and they were tired out after a full season of races.

    Karting History
    Year Position Championship
    1984 1st German Junior Kart Championship
    1985 1st
    German Junior Kart Championship
    Junior World Kart Championship
    1986 3rd
    German Senior Kart Championship
    European Kart Championship (North Zone)
    European Kart Championship Final
    1987 1st
    German Senior Kart Championship
    European Kart Championship (North Zone)
    European Kart Championship Final

    Single Seater History
    Year Position Championship
    1988 1st
    German Formula König Championship
    European Formula Ford 1600 Championship
    German Formula Ford 1600 Championship
    1989 2nd (=) German Formula 3 Championship
    1990 1st
    German Formula 3 Championship
    European Formula 3 Cup
    1991 2nd All-Japan Formula 3000 Championship

    Sports Car History
    Year Position Championship
    1990 DNF
    5th (=)
    German Touring Car Championship
    Sports-Prototype World Championship
    1991 DNF
    9th (=)
    German Touring Car Championship
    Sports-Prototype World Championship

    Formula One History
    Year Position Points Championship
    1991 12th (=)
    F1 World Championship
    1992 3rd
    F1 World Championship
    1993 4th
    F1 World Championship
    1994 1st
    F1 World Championship
    1995 1st
    F1 World Championship
    1996 3rd
    F1 World Championship
    1997 2nd (DQ)
    F1 World Championship
    1998 2nd
    F1 World Championship
    1999 5th
    F1 World Championship
    2000 1st
    F1 World Championship
    2001 1st
    F1 World Championship
    2002 1st
    F1 World Championship
    2003 1st
    F1 World Championship

    Michael Schumacher Karting
    Michael Racing Karts
    Taken during the 1996 season, when he was with Ferrari

    Schumacher in the 1991 Benetton Formula 1 car
    Schuey in a 1991 Jordan
    Pictured here at his first GP at Spa in Belgium

    Michael Schumacher in the 1993 Benetton F1 car
    Michael in a Benetton B193
    Driving with Ford V8 power at the 1993 Hungarian GP

    Michael Schumacher in the 1995 Benetton F1 car
    Schuey in a Benetton B195
    Driving at the Portugese GP, with Renault V10 power

    Schumacher's 1996 Ferrari
    Schuey's 1996 Ferrari F310
    Michael took Number 1 with him to Ferrari in 96

    The 1997 Ferrari F310B
    A more competitive car with contemporary raised nose

    Michael Schumacher's 1998 Ferrari F300
    The 1998 Ferrari F300
    During the last year on Good Year tyres, Michael nearly won the championship

    More details

    Saturday, September 20


    安静了歌词歌词:   作词:Selina& \, [' j I1 I- ?9 r
    作曲:周杰伦  编曲:吕绍淳S.H.E大陆后援会『』# P$ U" V$ `2 v$ t
    演唱:S.H.E   专辑:我的电台FM S.H.E, a1 C/ d- v8 y3 e

    梦想中 属于我们的婚礼

    却成了 单人结婚进行曲 ' Q6

    在这场爱情脚里的拔河里 爱我还是爱你

    你选择了自己 wo。~

    撒娇的 可爱的 女人的 爱哭的

    照片里 曾经的都是你喜欢的

    如今我还在原地 你却走回你的记忆

    你说我爱你太多 就快要把你淹没


    分开是一种解脱 让你好好的想我

    我想要的那片天空 你是不是能够给我

    你说我给你太多 却不能给我什么






    Tuesday, September 16

    Hook on Facebook

    It's been long ever since I have an entry.
    Reason for disappearing.
    Hook on Facebook.
    Oh my.
    I have been hooked to the games like "Word Challenge" and "Who Has The Biggest Brain".
    These two games indeed are interesting to play and most important thing is that it works my brain.
    Ir regard of the killing of my brain cells, these games are great to play.
    The more I play, the higher my ranking.
    This proves that Practice make perfect.
    Now training in one game (already prepared to get hooked).
    It's "Bowling Buddies".
    Must learn how to control everything with the mouse including the strength, the direction and even do spinning with the movement of the mouse.
    I have even get myself a nice trophy of clown. (Guess how I get it?)
    I longed to get consecutive strike in reality but it can only be come true in webby world.
    1st strike - anyhow play
    2nd strike - 1 pin nearly glued to ground
    3rd strike - oh my, it's turkey
    4th strike - haha, bagger!!!!!! (Can't believe it's true)
    5th strike - it's gone, stupid pin glued to ground. Hate that pin if not I can get another trophy.

    That's it for now. Going to train more.
    Facebook, here I come.

    Thursday, September 11

    11th September

    It's such a mixed feelings for this particular day.
    It's the anniversary for the WTC and also the forming of the pop group S.H.E.
    WTC incident has already been part of almost everyone's memories, remembering the works of the terrorists.
    A incident that no one expected to see it happen and causes many's families to be incompleted.
    But to those rescuers who had sacrificed their lives, their bravery will always be remembered.
    This date will be definitely highly remembered not of any sad event, but a celebration of the forming of S.H.E.
    The trio has such great bonding that I always like them so much.
    Like their way of expressing themselves, always so truthful.
    How many groups can really do like this?
    Not many, I think.
    They have liked angel voices when they sing any songs.
    Their voices are such harmonically combination.
    Will support them always as they promised till 80 years old. (Hah Hah!!!!)



    双眼就算没有电力 至少黑白还能认得清
    双腿就算没有黄金比例 可也踩出笔直的脚印

    有一万吨勇气 一斤就是冠军
    有一万吨爱心 一斤就是冠军
    生活着教训你要多美丽 要多美丽
    比不上我们快快乐乐 的自己

    你又不是宇宙小姐 何必非要三头六臂
    我也不是世界小姐 丑点笨点也没关系
    她更不是友谊小姐 所以可以乱发脾气
    谢天谢地我们是 最普通的唯一

    论语就算背错了选句 却背不做错人的道理
    忘记了贝多芬的旋律 却牢记他战胜困难的决心

    有在认真努力 已经就是冠军
    有在认真学习 已经就是冠军
    生活这场选美要多聪明 多聪明
    比不上我们简简单单 的自己

    你又不是宇宙小姐 何必非要三头六臂
    我也不是世界小姐 丑点笨点也没关系
    她更不是友谊小姐 所以可以乱发脾气
    谢天谢地我们是 最普通的唯一

    sister... sister... sister... sister...

    生活选美总在继续 要有多美才能得第一
    赢了真心就很不容易 看那是永远做自己

    你又不是宇宙小姐 何必非要三头六臂
    我也不是世界小姐 丑点笨点也没关系
    她更不是友谊小姐 所以可以乱发脾气
    谢天谢地我们是 最普通的唯一

    有在认真努力 要做自己
    有在认真学习 要做自己
    生活这场选美要多聪明 做自己
    有多幸运我们是 最普通的唯一


    用半截烟蒂稍一场蜃楼 藉这场大雨让自己逃走
    慌茫公路无人的漂泊 寂寞海啸把我卷走

    用一段感情换一个朋友 每一句再见割一到伤口
    躺在万劫不复的街头 微笑参透覆水难收

    倘若说放一次手 就像咳一个咳嗽

    我坐在公路的出口 等待天黑以后无边的寂寞

    我目送沿海的日落 紧抱一个醉生梦死的枕头
    留不住回忆却学不会放手 怎么走

    倘若说放一次手 就像咳一个咳嗽

    我坐在公路的出口 等待天黑以后无边的寂寞

    我目送沿海的日落 紧抱一个醉生梦死的枕头
    留不住回忆却学不会放手 怎么走

    Monday, September 1


    Finally having time to do blogging.
    It's been long since I ever blog.

    Been fully utilized my time over the past few weeks.

    1.Settled with the new arrangement of web.
    Though more things need to be settled but overall settled quite a lot.
    Incredible things is that I settled the whole thing and realized that the total size of the whole project was reduced by 50%.
    This mean I can actually add in more things. That's great.
    Great news for the new design.

    2.Extra lessons started and time to drill more questions but STM can kill no matter how many questions I drill.
    What's STM?
    Short Term Memory.
    How good can it be?
    How bad can it be?
    When it comes in study, it will definately be bad.
    Not a thing to have.
    When it comes in grudges, it has to come.
    Forgive and Forget even if grudges do hurt.

    3.Playing my hand held games during free time, it's great to entertain oneself by playing.

    4.Most important is sleeping, sleeping to relax oneself though I have a short sleeping time. I will be awake after about 7-8 hours automatically.

    Monday, August 18

    Michael Phelps Did It!

    This whole Olympics season been watching mostly on the swimming events, seeing the breaking of records after records.

    But the most interesting one is Michael Phelps.
    He's a genius making a history of having EIGHT gold medals in one season.

    Phelps had opened the swimming competition with a victory in the first event, the 400m individual medley, and went on to win the 200m medley, 100m and 200m butterfly, 200m freestyle and both the 4x100m and 4x200m freestyle relays and the eighth gold medal for men's 4x100m medley.

    Way to go!!!
    Cheers for Michael Phelps!!!

    Sunday, August 10

    What a day!

    Can't stand the weather, can't stand the weather making my body sick and temperature been rising. So angry.

    Saturday, August 9

    It's National Day!!!

    A day to celebrate for Singapore.
    A day to celebrate the independence for 43yrs.
    A day to celebrate all hardships from all works of life in Singapore.

    Three Cheers to Singapore.!!!!

    Thursday, August 7

    為你而活 神木與瞳

    Nice song by them 星光二中的冠军班长赖铭伟,和最佳人气王黄美珍

    But the album will be only officially out on 15th Aug.

    When will 梁文音 has her album released, waited for so long liao.

    Saturday, August 2

    Mummies 3 - Tomb of the Dragon warrior

    A great show that shouldn't have it missed.
    Hilarious scene making you laugh especially the part on the war between the buried and the terracotta armies. The voices that they spoke really sound dead, can't really figure what they are saying, the finding of their heads when being chopped by one another and the most funny part was they are fighting between the dead so no matter how many times they had struck one another they will still rise.
    Terracotta armies using terracotta arrows to shoot at those buried undead.
    Waste time, waste energy but anyway they had lots of energy.
    Think Anubis are better in looks and powers.

    Sunday, July 27

    Finally Hellboy

    Finally get to watch Hellboy. Still thought that it will end like last week but luckily. I am still as lucky as it is.
    Here it goes,
    Being special as Hellboy himself is really a cool thing in my opinion, but this part of the sequel show how he wanted to have his life mix with the surroundings by doing his part as taught by his foster father.
    Getting attention from the public and wanted to get people around him to like him and appreciate what he had done to the society but because of his feature, he will still be considered as a freak though he had helped to kill the life-threatening creature.
    It's sad to see people judging others on looks.
    Inner beauty is more important.
    This makes Hellboy having second thoughts whether should he kill or not. That's a real dilemma for him definately, it's as if he is killing his own kind.
    For all the attention he wanted to get, he had neglected his loved one Liz, the fire woman. Making Liz having not the will to tell Hellboy that she is pregnant.
    But this is also the beginning for Hellboy to know his real life goal. "To be with Liz no matter what". This couple is really cute, always arguing but loving at the same time.

    The effects in this movie is too great to be true. It's horrifying with the tiny creature, the tooth fairy, feeding on calcium mainly attack on tooth first then into anything that has the calcium. They look cute but on another thoughts, they are scary.

    But there's fun part too, especially when, the love song, "Can't smile without you", being sang by Abe Sapien and Hellboy. This two really make a great brothers. Ha Ha, whole cinema was filled with laughter. Imagine the always serious Abe Sapien listening to love song instead of his all-time favourite classical.

    Dun think there will be another sequel for this, how i wish i can see twins of hellboy in the next sequal and it will be called HellboyS. Hee Hee.

    Sunday, July 20

    Additional for my collection

    Who have ever know that I still have this collection till today?

    Collections, I have done so many. Stamps, Phonecards, Stickers, Yes Cards and etc but now i have only left with a few.

    After saying so much, what I am adding. Hee hee

    It's keychain. Wonderful.

    These two months are great, having keychains from different countries.

    Having hobbies is still great.

    Saturday, July 19

    Delay in HellBoy 2

    Wanted to watch Hellboy 2 today but thinking of going to lot 1 to eat MOF ice-cream,decided to change plan. If watch the movie, i will miss the ordering time of MOF. It closes order quite early.

    Went wang jiao to have dinner, not bad for my meal, very nice, the cow brisket is great.

    Shopping time, looking around and finally Ice-cream time.

    Ordered sesame mini, so nice.

    Then time for home.

    P/s: Sigh!! Hellboy........

    Thursday, July 17

    Try This

    The Banana Test

    There is a very, very tall coconut tree and there are 4 animals.
    King Kong, an Ape, an Orangutan and a Monkey pass by.
    They decide to compete to see who is the fastest to get a banana off the tree.
    Who do you guess will win?
    Your answer will reflect your personality.
    Think carefully . . . Try and answer within 30 seconds


    If your answer is:

    Orangutan = you’re sick

    Ape = you need a break

    Monkey = worse, you suppose to be in the hospital right now..

    King Kong = I think you better take 1 year leave…

    Why?! ????

    A Coconut tree doesn’t have bananas!

    Obviously you’re stressed and overworked.
    Take some time off and relax!

    Monday, July 14

    I know I don't walk on water

    I Know I Dont Walk on Water - Ephraim Lewis/Laura Satterfield

    Nice music.

    - performed by Laura Satterfield and Ephraim Lewis
    - music and lyrics by Laura Satterfield and Ira Walker
    - produced by Peter Asher

    Why do angels fall
    Are they letting go of heaven
    Are they letting go of heaven
    Or learning, well, how to fly

    Hey, hey
    A lesson learned
    Is trouble out the door
    Trouble out the door
    And sweeter ??? here today

    I know I don't walk on water
    Will forgive myself for the way I've been for so long
    I know I don't walk on water
    But I do believe love is the only color

    Down on my knees
    I was feeling next to zero
    I was feeling next to zero
    But love and I survived


    Oh... yeah
    Mama held her
    Daddy told her why
    Angels have to fall
    Fell like ghosts across the sky
    Mama held her
    Daddy told her why

    Oh, I know I don't walk on water

    Time will steal your life
    So hang on to your soul, girl
    Hang on to your soul, girl
    You ain't got much without it
    You ain't got much


    I know I (I don't)
    Don't Walk on water (on water)
    So I tell myself I'm no better than my brother
    I know I (I don't)
    Don't walk on water (on water)
    When I need a friend, I share it with my lover

    CHORUS (fades out)

    Saturday, July 12


    Love your every today

    Yesterday is history
    Tomorrow is mysteries
    Today is a gift
    That's why it's called present

    Friday, July 11

    Hellboy has COME

    Hellboy is showing this week but I have appointment tomorrow.
    Going to miss a chance to watch it as early as possible.
    Maybe most probably have to wait till next week for the screening.
    I like this macho red devil even though his baby look is the preference, seeing the young running and climbing. That's so cute.

    Despite for the missing Red Devil, I am still looking forward for the dinner appointment for birthday celebration tomorrow.
    Can get a chance to meet my "zhu peng gou you" since secondary school life.
    Wondering what we will be eating tomorrow, meeting at Cineleisure.
    (But definately not for any show)

    Looking forward for Hellboy! Hellboy! Hellboy! on Sunday, Channel 5.
    Oh Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tuesday, July 8

    What Major Is Right For Me?

    created with
    You scored as Mathematics/Statistics

    You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in Mathematics, Statistics, or related majors (e.g., Accounting, Actuarial Science, Astronomy, Computer Engineering, Computer Information Systems (CIS), Computer Science, Economics, Engineering, Finance, Management Information Systems (MIS), Operations Management, Physics, Risk Management).

    It is possible that the best major for you is your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th listed category, so be sure to consider ALL majors in your OTHER high scoring categories (below). You may score high in a category you didnt think you would--it is possible that a great major for you is something you once dismissed as not for you. The right major for you will be something 1) you love and enjoy and 2) are really great at it.

    Consider adding a minor or double majoring to make yourself standout and to combine your interests. Please post your results in your myspace/blog/journal.





























    Saturday, July 5

    Mr Green

    Oh my, finally get to watch The Incredible Hulk.
    It's far better than the first episode.
    This time it's more logical.
    Remember the first, was thinking why the shorts of Hulk is like elastic one before and after the big change, nothing happen, not a single tear.
    But this time, they really explain it and most important is this time the hulk look muscular and with veins that one definately cannot miss.
    It's so real now.
    There will definately a need for a next episode. Hope so too.

    Stark Industries, does this name sound in your mind?
    It's the company handed over to the man who created himself into Iron man.
    Stark Industries is part of the project with the army but is it together with hulk.
    So what's the link with iron man and hulk?
    Let's wait for the next episode.

    Tuesday, July 1


    If you can keep your head when all about you
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
    But make allowance for their doubting too
    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
    Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
    And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise.

    Saw this somewhere. Thinking of it, it's quite a challenge for it.

    A sudden thought

    Step into the month of July, means Youth Day is coming soon. It's been a long time since I celebrated this day.
    Children always like this day especially those below 12. They can celebrate both children's day and youth day. Till this date, I still remember the song that's begin sung. Do you?

    Here's the lyrics:
    Malay lyrics

    Semoga Bahagia ( Children's Day Song )
    Sama-sama maju ke hadapan

    Pandai cari pelajaran

    Jaga diri dalam kesihatan

    Serta sopan-santun dengan kawan-kawan

    Dengan hati bersih serta suci

    Sama-sama hormat dan berbudi

    Jaga tingkah pemuda-pemudi

    Adat dan budaya junjung tinggi

    Capailah lekas cita-cita pemudi-pemuda

    Supaya kita ada harga di mata dunia

    Kalau kita lengah serta lupa

    Hidup kita sia-sia

    Jiwa besar sihat serta segar

    Rajin dengan sabar tentu bahagia

    Lemah lembut perangai pemudi

    Cergas tangkas wataknya pemuda

    Suka rela selalu berbakti

    Sikap yang pembela dan berjasa

    Capailah nama yang mulia pemudi-pemuda

    Rajinlah supaya berjaya semoga bahagia

    English translation

    May You Achieve Happiness
    Together we progress

    Clever at seeking knowledge

    Take care of your health

    And be courteous to your friends

    With a clean and pure heart

    We respect and do good to each other

    Watch your behaviour, oh youths

    Respect and honour your customs and traditions

    Quickly reach your goals/dreams, oh youths

    So that we'll have our worth, in this world

    If we are lazy and forgetful

    Our lives are worthless

    A big heart and a fresh mind

    Hardworking and patience definitely brings success/happiness

    Soft-spoken is the lady

    Energetic and tenacious is the man

    Charitable, always contributing

    Having a righteous spirit and doing good

    Attain a respectable position, oh youths

    Be hardworking so that you will succeed, may you achieve happiness

    Retrieved from ""

    Sunday, June 29

    A part of my life

    Have you recently seen a lot of rats around the area that you are living?
    I seen lots and the size of them are so scary that some are bigger than a kitten size.

    This is definately not a scene that I wanted to see. Being scare by rats, sob suddenly wanted to run asap back home.

    V* even said that I am really like doreamon. HaHa. That's very funny.

    But think if this goes on, I'll be scared to death.

    Rats cute? Give me a break!!!

    p/s: I have even seen a dead rat on my way.

    When You Told Me You Loved Me

    Jessica Simpson When You Told Me You Loved Me [点击试听]

    doesn't mean anything to me
    show me the meaning of complete
    did our love go wrong
    once we were so strong
    how can i go on?

    when you told me you loved me
    did you know it would take me the rest of my life
    to get over the feeling of knowing a dream didn't turn out right
    when you let me believe that you weren't complete
    without me by your side
    how could i know
    that you would go
    that you would run
    baby, i thought you were the one

    can't i just leave it all behind
    felt passion so bright that i was blind
    something made me weak
    talking in my sleep
    baby, i'm in so deep and you know i believed

    when you told me you loved me
    did you know it would take me the rest of my life
    to get over the feeling of knowing a dream didn't turn out right
    when you let me believe that you weren't complete without me by your side
    how could i know
    that you would go
    that you would run
    baby, i thought you were the one

    your lips
    your face
    something that time just can't erase
    find my heart
    could breakall over again

    when you told me you loved me
    did you know it would take me the rest of my life
    to get over the feeling of knowing a dream didn't turn out right
    when you let me believe that you weren't complete without me by your side
    how could i know
    that you would go
    that you would run
    baby, i thought you were the one

    Saturday, June 28


    Belated celebration for my friend.
    Today we went to Paragon for dinner, stayed in the restaurant for quite a long time finished eating and yet stayed there and talked. Stayed till think I had a lot of cups of tea, and noticed there was a queue outside then decided to go and walk walk. Went toy-r-us but end up nothing to buy then went to have a coffee-break @ coffee bean.

    Saw Peishan, Caihua really tired over Xuan Yun. Having a young in a family is really not easy, not to mention 2 somemore. But they are cute and adorable.

    HaHa. Don't know when will I get a chance to see Qian Ying. Hope very soon.

    Past, Present, Future

    When we look on the past, the future often reveals the illusions of the past and when such illusions are revealed all of us in the present tend to look on the people of the past as being primitive--not realizing that many of us would have been as duped as they were if we had been there.

    A thousand years ago, many of us would have blindly accepted the decree of the Pope that the world was flat.

    This is an important point to remember when seeking the truth in the present.
    Consciousnesss cannot live in the present for the present cannot exist without the future and the past.

    What would happen if there were no past or future?
    There would also be no present for the present is the interaction of the two.

    If then there is no past, present or future what would there be?
    There would be no form, no energy, no consciousness, nothing to act or to be acted upon, no sadness, no joy, no duality.

    Will that be a life that we wanted?

    We cannot change the literal past, but we can change the effects of the past so a certain negative event in the past is changed so it is no longer negative to us. No matter what you do, never let the past affect you in a negative way.

    Even if you have a good memory, a very positive or negative feeling associated with a past perception can fog the vision of the present.

    So what's important!
    Perception does not create the future. Decision does.

    So eventually, what's your decision?

    Thursday, June 26

    No Moody Mood Mood

    Just have the feeling of typing down a blog with no specific reason.

    Haha, ever told someone before that writing a blog needs mood. When you have no mood at all, no matter how much brain juice you squeezed, nothing will be written down. Mood is a really amazing thing, allow one to do things fast or slow.

    So what's mood?
    1.A state of mind or emotion.
    2.A pervading impression of an observer: the somber mood of the painting.
    3.An incidence of sulking or angry behavior.
    4.Inclination; disposition.

    中文(简体) (Chinese (Simplified))
    1. 心情, 情绪, 心境, 喜怒无常, 心情不好, 生气, 基调, 色调
    in no mood 不想, 没有心情做...
    in the mood 有...的兴致, 有意做...
    2. 语气

    中文(繁體) (Chinese (Traditional))
    1. n. - 心情, 情緒, 心境, 喜怒無常, 心情不好, 生氣, 基調, 色調
    in no mood 不想, 沒有心情做...
    in the mood 有...的興致, 有意做...
    2. n. - 語氣

    just a difference in a word, the meaning between 'in no mood' and 'in the mood' is totally different.

    Monday, June 23

    A Whole New Term Once Again

    Time flies faster than one can imagine. Seems like a blink of eyes' time that school holiday is over. Maybe this means I have fully utilised my time for this half-year and that is definately a good thing to do because whenever there's not much of anything to do, I will be bored to death and time seems "stopped". Too slow that every second to me is like minutes so I will just sleep to kill time.
    Killing time is a hobby of mine. That's a good hobby.

    Too much time, makes me bored.
    Too little time, makes me load.
    So is there a way to make me both.
    Think better not.
    Load is better than Bored.

    I have better to stop blogging and time for bed.

    Friday, May 16

    Update of list of movies watched and unwatched

    Movies planned (Updated on 23rd June 2008)
    1. 10,000 BC (watched)
    2. Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (not) Alone (2008) show on 13th Mar (watched)
    3. An Empress And The Warriors (2008) show on 27th Mar (missed)
    4. Three Kingdoms: Resurrection Of The Dragon (2008) show on 3rd Apr (missed)
    5. Escape From Huang Shi (2008) show on 10th Apr (decided not to)
    6. Forbidden Kingdom (2008) show on 17th Apr (decided not to)
    7. Iron Man (2008) show on 30th Apr (watched)
    8. Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull (2008) show on 22nd May (watched with no regret.)
    9. The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008) show on 29th May (missed)
    10. The Incredible Hulk (2008) show on 12 Jun (going to miss this too. *sigh)
    11. Wanted (2008) show on 26 Jun
    12. Hellboy 2: The Golden Army (2008) show on 10th Jul
    13. Red Cliff (2008) show on 10th Jul
    14. The Dark Knight (2008) show 17th Jul
    15. The Mummy 3: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor (2008) show on 24th Jul
    16. Journey To The Center Of The Earth 3D (2008) show on 31st Jul
    17. The X-Files: I Want To Believe (2008) show on 31st Jul
    18. Money No Enough 2 (2008) show on 31st Jul
    19. Wall-E (2008) show on 28th Aug
    20. The Shinjuku Incident (2008) show on 4th Sept
    21. Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince (2008) show on 20th Nov
    22. Madagascar 2: The Crate Escape (2008) show on 4th Dec
    23. The Day The Earth Stood Still (2008) show on 11th Dec
    24. Valkyrie (2009) show on 12th Feb
    25. Dragonball (2009) show on 12th Mar

    link I get the information from

    Friday, April 25


    艺人姓名 : 五月天

    艺人类型 : 乐团/团体

    体团成员 : 怪兽 阿信 玛莎 冠佑 石头

    出道时间 : 1997

    所属公司 : 滚石音乐

    五月天这个乐团在1997年青年节成立,发源于台湾台北市。是由五个师大附中学生组成,现在分别就读不同的 大学。由主唱-阿信,吉他-怪兽、石头,贝斯-玛莎组 成 。前三任鼓手分别是钱佑达、陈泳锠及浊水溪公社的鼓手Robert。目前鼓手为why not的鼓手-冠佑。

    主 唱:阿信

    本 名:陈信宏
    别 名:阿信
    生 日:1975/12/6
    血 型:O型
    星 座:射手
    身 高:180CM
    体 重:74KG
    嗜 好:吃饭睡觉
    乐 器:吉他
    喜爱的歌手:披头(BEATLES) 、罗大佑、伍佰、Mr.Children
    喜爱的乐手:菜篮哺乳(CHINA BLUE)
    学 历:实践大学室内设计系
    接触音乐历程:SO BAND、MAYDAY

    吉 他:怪兽

    本 名:温尚翊
    别 名:怪兽
    生 日:1976/11/28
    血 型:A型
    星 座:射手
    身 高:168CM
    体 重:62KG
    嗜 好:运动
    乐 器:吉他
    学 历:台湾大学社会系社会组
    接触音乐历程:高中学吉他,之后开始接触电吉他并组团,高中毕业与阿信、玛莎组成SO BAND,后改为五月天

    吉 他:石头

    本 名:石锦航
    英文名:Richard Stone
    别 名:石航玮
    生 日:1975/12/11
    血 型:B型
    星 座:射手
    身 高:172CM
    体 重:67KG
    嗜 好:游泳
    乐 器:吉他
    喜爱的歌手:JIM MORRISON
    喜爱的乐手:DAVE GILMOR
    学 历:淡江大学

    贝 斯:玛莎

    本 名:蔡升晏
    英文名:Matthew Tsai
    别 名:玛莎(Masa)
    生 日:1977/4/25
    血 型:O型
    星 座:金牛
    身 高:172CM
    体 重:66KG
    乐 器:Bass、A.Guitar、一点Piano、口琴
    喜爱的乐手:Sting、Eric Clapton、Dave Grusin、艾拉妮丝LIVE的鼓手(BASS、Sting Live的鼓手
    学 历:辅仁大学社会系
    接触音乐历程:小学学过二年钢琴高中开始学吉他,高二学bass并开始组团,当主唱,后来和阿信(怪兽组团 弹bass(SO BAND、MAYDAY )

    鼓 手:冠佑


    本 名:刘谚明
    别 名:丸尾
    生 日:1973/7/28
    血 型:O型
    星 座:狮子
    身 高:178CM
    体 重:60KG
    嗜 好:睡觉
    乐 器:鼓 KEYBOARDS
    喜爱的歌手:Mr.Children、Original Love
    喜爱的乐手:Phil Collins
    学 历:国光艺校
    接触音乐历程:WHY NOT、MAYDAY

    Countdown to May Day Concert

    Oh, one more day towards May Day concert.
    Like their songs so much ever since before they have separated and regathered.

    Thursday, April 24


    Just happen to watch the show again. It's according to true story.
    Who's Selena?

    Name at birth:
    Selena Quintanilla

    16 April 1971

    Lake Jackson, Texas

    31 March 1995 (shot to death, age 23)

    Best Known As:
    The 'Queen of Tejano'

    Until her untimely death at age 23, Selena was the sexy and charismatic 'Queen of Tejano.' (Tejano music is a South Texas creation which uses guitars and accordions to blend Mexican musical styles with European polkas and waltzes.) Selena was raised in Corpus Christi, Texas, and before she turned 10 she was already fronting the family band, Los Dinos. Their 1989 album Selena y Los Dinos put them on the map, and the 1992 album Entre a Mi Mundo (Enter My World) went gold. Still unknown in much of America, Selena became a star in Mexico and Latin America, known both for her Spanish-language hits and her wholesome sex appeal. A fashion plate who liked to design her own clothes, Selena favored snug pants and midriff-baring bustiers that earned her the nickname "the Mexican Madonna." Selena Live! (1993) won a Grammy as best Mexican-American album, and Amor Prohibido (Forbidden Love, 1994) was another hit.

    In 1995 Selena began recording her first English-language album, Dreaming of You, and seemed poised to cross over to mainstream success. But on 31 March that year she was shot and killed at a Days Inn hotel in Corpus Christi. The shooter was Yolanda Saldivar, the founder of the Selena fan club and manager of Selena's clothing boutiques, who apparently realized she was about to be fired for embezzling money from the singer. Saldivar was sentenced to life in prison, with a minimum of 30 years. Selena was played by Jennifer Lopez in the 1997 film Selena. A greatest hits album, Ones, was released in 2002.

    Extra credit: Selena married Christopher Perez, a guitarist in her band, on 2 April 1992... She had a small role as a mariachi singer in the Johnny Depp film Don Juan DeMarco, which was released just a week after her death in 1995... According the Houston Chronicle, the name Los Dinos "was taken from the Italian slang word for los muchachos, the boys"... Yolanda Saldivar's first opportunity for parole will be in the year 2025, coincidentally the same year of release as Arthur Bremer, who shot George Wallace... In 2002, with the approval of her family, the revolver used to shoot Selena was cut into pieces and scattered in Corpus Christi Bay.

    Quintanilla Perez

    Si Una Vez

    La llamada

    Bidi Bidi Bom Bom Live

    I Could Fall in Love

    Dreaming of you

    Amor Prohibido

    Como la Flor

    No Me Queda Mas

    Michael Jackson, Earth's related songs

    Heal the World

    Earth Song

    We are the World

    Apologise by One Republic

    Tuesday, April 22


    This is one of the story, I saw from one of the blogs that I have surfed. Quite touching.

    男人根本不知道自己能不能走出去,如果,他们中只有一人能生存,那何必让对方用一生的时间,去忘记一个逝去的爱人呢?记得一个普通的朋友就足够了。女人无限依恋的看着男人“我等你,我知道你能走出去。”男人站起身,替女人盖好睡袋,转身。每走一段路,男人都做下记号,他一心想着找到救援,回去接女人,饿了,啃一口饼干,渴了,吃两口雪。男人的速度越来越慢,他提醒自己,不能停,只要停下就意味着死亡,那女人也就没救了,他努力坚持,他告诉自己,一定要出去。 终于,男人耗尽了最后一丝气力,倒下,失去知觉前,他想,女人的食物还够吗?还能撑住吗?醒来,男人发现自己躺在救援队的帐篷里,朋友发现他们没有按时出山,救援队已经进山搜救很久了。其实救援队一开始并没有发现男人,他们先找到女人的帐篷,然后顺着男人留下的记号,找到几乎冻僵奄奄一息的男人男人的体温渐渐恢复,他问“她呢”,大家不语,他突然发现,救援队的成员眼角都隐隐有着泪光。男人一呆,“告诉我,她呢”,挣扎着要出去找她。救援队长用颤抖的声音说“别找了,她不在了,我们发现她的时候,已经去了,可能是出去融雪烧水,没力气回到帐篷,冻死了”……

    Tuesday, April 8

    Juz a thought!!!

    Having a handphone that can read and receive message, incoming and outgoing call and with radio embedded will be my most basic usage.

    But when I starts to receive nonsense like chain sms, thought there's only such thing as chain letter but now really follow up-to-date technology.
    I really want to off my phone straight away.
    Wasting my memory on phone and making my phone ring 4 times just for the single message and why?
    Chain message details are long.

    But who's the bas***** who create this to make people forward all these?
    Why do people still forward this kind of chain messages or mails?
    What for?
    Will the outcome really follow as stated in the messages or mails?
    Who can guarantee?

    I am not going to care whatever consequences.
    If one message or mail is to control my life then I will live on this world with regret.
    Life has to go on whether or not, with or without those chains.

    I may be over-reacting but having a message send to you telling you that you will die in a few days or you will live lonesome throughout or your family members and yourself will meet with mishap.
    How can I not react in this manner?

    Saturday, April 5

    What a day!!!

    Today, I should say it as a exercising day.
    Guess what, was supposed to meet Yu Lan, Pei Shan, Wen Hui and Boon Seng at PS at 5 pm (actually should be 4.30pm, I'm being exempted) and what happen when I reached.
    They have changed venue to Rendevous Hotel so I walk over, meeting them at the bus stop near there and why because changed of venue again, walking towards the direction of Carlton and don't really like it there so change to Raffles City and without looking at the menu, entered a crpes cafe, thinking it would be final destination.
    Oh no, to be continued.. Ha Ha.
    Final destination not there, that cafe really sell purely crepes not main meals.
    So decided to wait for Liang Tan before we were to proceed to Suntec for Chong Qing Hot Pot and we were there almost around 7pm.
    And the most pleasing thing is we all exercise by walking before eating buffet.. Hee Hee.
    Have to burn more tomorrow.

    Thursday, March 27

    Day spent on Wednesday

    Spent half of my day revising Dreamweaver and Fireworks and what's the outcome?
    Not bad, I should say.
    Redoing quite a number of the existing pages, relinking the pages.
    (Haiz, all links was lost, irrelevant links appear, very funny, can't trust computer sometime.)
    Finally, I'm happy with the outcome.
    But don't know if it will be able to pass the entry.
    Let see, hope it pass through then I can proceed with the next phase.

    Softwares is sometimes difficult to master, but using them in simple knowledge to do things that you want and need is incredible.
    It's also a thing that will cost me time, seeing it for almost near to 4 hours.

    Monday, March 24

    The Secret behind my Birth date
    9月27日 受困的英雄
    名 人
    山繆亞當斯(Samuel Adams)美國革命志士、波士頓茶葉黨領袖,亦是煽動殖民地百姓反對英國花稅條例的革命領袖,后來曾任麻州州長。
    美國電視演員康拉德(William Conrad),曾參加《扒手》和《杰克與胖子》的演出,也是導演及制作人。
    鮑威爾(Bud Powell)美國爵士樂鋼琴家,亦從事樂曲創作,改進比波普爵士樂,42歲時逝于巴黎。
    費城費城人棒球隊三壘手史密(Mike Schmidt),曾經八度獲得國家聯盟的全壘打王,三度獲得最有價值球員獎,年年蟬聯金手套獎,在大聯盟歷年的全壘打總數排行榜上名列第七。
    美國短篇小說家及評論家歐勤克勞斯(Louis Auchincloss),著有《律師之權》,另外又以安德魯李(Andrew Lee)的筆名發表《先知之屋》。

    Thursday, March 20

    An Update

    Oh my! My clearing of movies is on its way to success.

    Have already watched 10,000BC and Evagelion.
    Though I told myself not to waste $$ on cartoons in cinema but I still have this urge on watching my favourite Evagelion.
    It was great.
    As for 10,000BC, I find that show to be quite interesting not much of any storyline but protray the initial humanity of mankind but is it true.
    No one knows, who bothers.
    What bothers me is the effect?
    If the computer effect was to put it smoother, this show will be great.