Saturday, August 8

I'm taken for granted

Really hated it when I am actually doing as a favour for JR and was taken for granted and being yelled at.

Sometime I am really wondering is there such a rule or law stated that classes must end at the exact time and must on my phone at the exact time. Most of all is that I don't owe anything.

Thursday, August 6


Life is so vulnerable but it always seems to appear in this way.
People always say it’s a matter of dead or alive.
How insulting.

After years of seeing deaths and births, the feelings are still very awkward in expressing.
Death, is it an ending or beginning?
Birth, is it the beginning or ending?
Can anyone confirm about this?

What I believe now?
Do not leave with regrets in things I do or I don’t.
It will be too late when time really has to come.

What is born will die
What has been gathered will be dispersed,
What has been accumulated will be exhausted,
What has been built up will collapse,
And what has been high will be brought low.

This existence of ours is as transient as autumn
To watch the birth and death of beings is like looking
at the movements of a dance.
A lifetime is like a flash of lightning in the sky,
Rushing by, like a torrent down a steep mountain.

Saturday, August 1


I have always wondered why life to me is full of accuses, accuses of things that I never did before.
I have a great reactions to these accuses since young.
I hated it when people start saying things that I have not done and insisted that I did them.
Why do people have to do that?
It’s a complete nonsense.
Don’t they know how being wrongly accused feel?
Don’t they know there might be side effects with that?
What if others take them seriously?
Just happen that I am those who will take it seriously, but react according to situation. If I had not gone for the course, think quarrel will be the final outcome.
Maybe this is due to my Libra sign but isn’t the correct way to do things or speak is to get your fact right before saying or doing anything.
No wonder, there are cases of injustice around.
I don’t mind if I am corrected if I am in the wrong. But being wrongly accused, no way that I will accept that even if it's joking.
Even for myself, I will see how’s situation goes first before commending on anything, be it to be personal or business, and looking at things in a 3rd party view can actually be clearer.

Friday, July 31

The Pledge Moment


Let's count down to this moment.

Funny Video

Tuesday, June 30

Lesson learnt today

Shouldn't do extra things.
Things should leave it as it is.

Friday, May 22



卓新勇的母親,悄手悄腳提著一個便當在校門口。 被我一喊,她露出不好意思的表情。







卓新勇是一位沈默寡言,乖巧內向的孩子。 「怎麼了?」他一臉迷惘站起來,不回答。














第二天下班後,我騎著機車到醫院探望他母親。 她看到我,顯得很驚訝,努力想站起來,但是,一咳嗽,整個人歪了一邊。





回到學校,報告校長。 經過幾天募款活動,我們總算募到五萬二千一百二十元。





「他前幾天,一直拉著卓新勇的手,喊著:媽媽不能再替你送便當了!我想,請老師再讓她送最後一次便當,只有送便當時,他才真正感受到一位為人母親的榮耀。」 聽到這兒,我百感交集地點點頭。


中午,一輛救護車呼拉拉開到學校大門口。 我淚水盈眶,站在旁邊,伴當交通導護老師。








隔天,卓新勇的母親就去世了。 一天, 卓新勇的父親來到我辦公室,遞給我一包牛皮紙。









很感人吧!我看到一半就忍不住眼淚就掉下來了! 不然……..將來後悔也就來不及了!






Monday, May 18


Is there really balance between good and evil?
When there's evil, good are around?
Is there justice in everything or anything that we do?
When one commits a crime, he/she has to pay for what he/she had done?
Is there ever fairness in the world?
When you treat someone good, you might not get what you had intended to be?

That kept me wonder in this horrible weather.

Do we deserve the treatment that we are going through now?
Do we really understand the meaning behind the treatment?
Do we treat others the same way as we were treated?

As for me, why are they important in my life?
That is really a question to be pondering about.

Everyone has priorties.
What to do and what not to do?

Does everyone know what are their priorties?
I bet they do.

Priorties in my life are stated long ago till today has not been changed.
They are almost related to how I am being treated since I am young.
That's why mostly I have thoughts for others and not myself.
I cared more for others than myself.
To me, I am such a minimal and seems like nobody.
Sometime I am happy with that but sometimes I don't.

Once, someone told me that I am too serious in the things that I had in my perception.
Is that wrong?
Am I putting too many assumptions in thoughts?
Am I posing pressure to others?

What's seems right to me, seems wrong in other's view?

Should I really change my perception?

Wednesday, April 15


Fast and slow really make me wonder this few weeks.

Is it a good thing?
Allowing more time to have more things done but facing problem of decreasing numbers.
Is this the cause?
I really have no idea of that.
If this is so, do I have to slow down?
Or there are more reasons to the problem?

Is it a bad thing?
Having more things done in a long period of time but might not be able to meet by deadline.
Is this the cause?
Might be.
If this is so, do I have to rush?

Can I ever allow to have more than 24 hours a day?
Why is it that time is always thing that I cannot control.
If I could, will situation changed for the better or worse?

Optimistic or Pessimistic?
Which will be better?
Telling people to think positive is definitely easier than executing.

Tuesday, April 7

R.I.P 阿桑

Can't imagine the weakness of mankind.
One moment you are as strong as a bull the next you are as weak as clasping roots.

阿桑, a singer that I really admired especially the song 葉子 that she sang with so much emotion and life.
Really loved her voice for the sad songs that she had sung before she left.

Ever since she had left H.I.M, there was not much of any news from her and after waiting for so long, shocking news appeared.

Really hope that she can leave well.

叶子是不会飞翔的翅膀 翅膀是落在天上的叶子
天堂原来应该不是妄想 只是我早已经遗忘

孤单是一个人的狂欢 狂欢是一群人的孤单
爱情原来的开始是陪伴 但我也渐渐地遗忘



孤单是一个人的狂欢 狂欢是一群人的孤单
爱情原来的开始是陪伴 但我也渐渐地遗忘




阿桑 (28.02.1975 - 06.04.2009)
单曲数:36 首

以《葉子》一曲走紅 阿桑乳癌末期過世
歌手阿桑癌症病逝 S.H.E震驚 張智成崩潰痛哭

Friday, March 27

Don't know whether to be sad or happy???

This morning when I was out for work.
I was so happy to see both the parents back for their nestlings and feeding them.
Finally, I was so relieved to see that.

But now, I have to get worry again.
The pot of plant is being moved again and the parents not there for them.
This is really ridiculous telling me that those workers will put the pot back after the floor cement has dried up.
The floor has dried up long ago if not how can I go home.

So what if those workers take their own sweet time putting back all plants outside corridor like what they did for the opposite block of mine then what is going to happen to those nestlings.
I can't don't imagine what will happen.

Hope nothing will happen to those nestlings.

3 Poor Baby Birds

The moment I reached home just now, I was shocked when I see pots of plants moved from my corridor to the lobby outside the lift.
Shocked not because of the moved but the nest on the plant.

Heard from my mum that she had already told those workers that there is a nest on the plant and told them not to move but they still moved it and sad things happen next.
The mother bird could not find the nest and been flying all over to find its nestlings.
Without hesitation, my mum tried to move the plant out a bit so that the mother can locate but failed.
It failed to find them.

The 3 chicks are still so young without eating since evening.
This is so heart breaking seeing the threes so hungry and worried whether their mother will come back to them.

Without ado, made a decision, my mother and I moved the pot back to the original place, hoping that the mother will come back later in the morning.
If anything happen to those chicks, I will sure get back to those workers.

My neighbours too are worried about the chicks, they even tried to feed those chicks with some mashed fruit.
They are really hungry that they snatched with one another.

Pray hard that the mother will come back later.

Really hope so, if not we have decided to adopt them and take care of them.

So angry, why is that those workers really do things without using their brain?
But overall, I can't totally blame them but this is rubbish if they are going to cause death to those chicks.

Wednesday, January 14

Particular with my Books

I have been messing up my room for a small relocation of my stuff this few days.
Tedious but at least can clear some things away.
Looking on the books that I have on my shelves, I don't even remember when they are being added to my small library.
Every single books are still as new, except for some aged yellowish paper.
Oh my, I can't imagine.

I tried not to be angry when I heard from my friend that someone (the previous person whom borrowed the books) actually dog-eared my books, not just one page but lots of them, this is absolutely ridiculous.
My friend whom I lent my books to, know my habit, on seeing the dog-eared, unfold it for me but what done had been done.
I still can see those folds.
But I still appreciate for her help.
Thanks Wen.

So now what should I do for my books.
Tried ironing but the lines are still there.
Think I have to leave my books alone for the moment and settle that when I think of them if not I am going to have eruption soon.

This is so angry!!!